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Ultimate Tailgate Set-Up

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Nov 5, 2012

Ultimate may not be the best word to describe this tailgate set-up but it's ideal for the serious AND casual tailgater. It's easy to do and is relatively inexpensive. First thing I need to do is not take credit for this set-up. I certainly will be doing this set-up with my truck but the idea came from a friend of my brother who is a Patriots season ticket holder.

Let's start with the TV. Pretty simple, get a TV. The bigger the better doesn't work here. A 50" tv definitely won't work. Too big and too heavy. This set-up maxes out at around 40", and that's even a push. 32" is ideal. It not too heavy and not too big. The next purchase on the list is going to be a standard wall mount for the tv. It doesn't have to swivel in any direction. If you're looking to do this as cheap as possible, get a wall mount that is stationary. It will be a lot less expensive. Next up, antenna. Antennas are a lot different now then they used to be. Not much tweaking trying to get a signal and most now broadcast full HD over the air.

In order for this whole thing to work well you're going to need a sheet of 3/4" plywood. Nothing crazy. Most home improvement stores sell 2' x 2' sections, so you don't have to buy an entire 4' x 8' sheet. The actual size of the plywood is determined by the size of the tv mount, as this is what is being attached to it. You're going to want at least a few inches left over on all edges from where the mount is attached. Next up, hooks. Also very simple. Standard utility hooks for hanging bicycles, tools, etc. You'll need two and they need to be threaded on the end. What you're going to do is screw these into the top of the plywood centered about 6 to 8 inches apart.

The last item is what really puts this whole set-up together. A bike rack. This is probably the hardest part of it as you need to be a little picky about your selection. If you have a pickup truck or SUV, I highly suggest using a hitch bike rack. The top of the rack where the bikes sit must be able to fold down, it is here where the tv will hook onto the rack. Other than the TV (depending), this is the most expensive piece. These typically range anywhere from $100 to $500.

All in all, this is extremely easy to do. The best part is you set your own budget. It can be done with as little as $300, or you can spend well over $1,000. That's all up to you.

XPS 12 Convertible Touch Ultrabook

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Nov 2, 2012

The new Dell XPS 12 Convertible Touch Ultrabook is the ultimate when it comes to portable performance and design. I love my iPad but it can't do everything a Mac or PC can. I can't tell you how many times I'll work from my iPad only to run to my PC to make some small tweaks that it just won't let me. That's where the Dell XPS 12 Convertible Touch Ultrabook comes in.

Personally, I have not had great experiences with Dell, but it has now been years since I have owned a Dell product. I gotta say that I'm pretty excited about this one. It's the best of both worlds, the tablet world and the PC world. One minute a touch screen tablet, the next a fully functioning laptop running Windows 8. Is this finally that "something" that outsells its Apple competition? For right now, absolutely. The only thing close would be purchasing an iPad and keyboard case for it. But even that doesn't compare since it's still just a tablet. No mouse, no programs, only apps and a touchscreen.

If this actually takes off like Apple's products do, I may have to reconsider my stance on Apple's iPhone and iPad as my "go-to" devices. I know it's a long shot, but I'd love to have a Windows Phone that's actually an equal to the iPhone or iPad. In my line of work, I depend on a PC, a Mac just doesn't cut it. Therefore, I'm forced to own a PC and have Apple devices. Forced may be too strong of a word, but in my opinion(just mine) Apple devices are far superior. I'm looking forward to the day where one company can produce a phone, tablet, and PC (or hybrid) that directly competes with Apple on every level. Then, and only then, will I join in on the fun people have hating on Apple.