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A Cure for Burning Your Mouth?

Oct 18, 2012

Geekologie - Because people won't stop eating and drinking things that burn their mouths, scientists have created a dissolvable oral strip that can be applied directly to the burn, "providing instant relief and promoting healing." Healing -- healing is good.That's why I visit my shrink twice a week. Issues: I have a lot of them. "We found these strips to be non-toxic, which has huge potential for anyone who burns their mouth while eating and drinking hot foods--and that's just about everyone," said McConville. "The strips look and behave similar to breath freshening strips that you might find at your local drugstore." Now based at the University of New Mexico, McConville, and his team, will explore creating a stronger oral strip to treat more severe burns lasting longer than 2-3 days. The next step in furthering their research will be to test the strips in humans and experiment with taste-masking.

This has to be the best invention of the year. I'd like to say ever, but honestly, I couldn't live without my iPad. I can't tell you how many times I've burnt the shit out of my mouth because something is way too hot. There are times where I let my food sit for 10-15 minutes just so I can avoid that god awful moment.

PS - "We found these strips to be non-toxic". Really? So you were gonna sell toxic ones?

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